Cel care raspunde primul primeste coronita si 200 puncte
Alcătuiți un dialog (in limba engleza) folosind expresiile:
La cumparaturi-shopping
A cheltui-to spend money
A vinde-to sell
A cumpara-to buy
Magazin-shop, store
Carucior de cumparaturi-shopping cart
Cos de cumparaturi-shopping basket
Cabina de proba-dressing room
Vreau sa cumpar un telefon.-I want to buy a phone.
De unde pot cumpara carti?-Where can I buy books from?
Aici vindeți telefoane?-Do you sell phones here?
Aveti descis tata ziua?-Are you open all day?
La ce ora inchideti?-At what time do you close?
Cat costa aceasta?-How much are these?
Sunt doua la preț de una.-It is two for one.
Este 20% reducere.-It is 20% off.(percent)
Cum doriți sa achitati?-How would you like to pay?
Acceptati plata cu cardul?-Can I pay by credit card?
Electronicele sunt ieftine aici.-The electronics are cheap here.
Pot sa va ajut?-Can I help you?
Cautati ceva anume?-Are you looking for anything in particular?
Ati reusit sa gasiti ceea ce cautati?-Did you manage to find what you where looking for?
Ce marime purtati?-What size do you wear?
Aici aveti restul si chitanta.-Here is your chnge and receipt.
Care este magazinul tau favorit?-What is your favourite shop?
Iti place sa mergi (sa faci) cumpraturi?-Do you enjoy shopping?
Cat de mult cheltui?-How much do you spend?
Faci cumparaturi online?-Do you shop onlne?
Nu e nevoie sa le folositi pe toate!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
- Hello, Marry! How are you today?
- I'm going shopping, Ann.
- I want to buy new clothes. And you?
- Wonderful! I spent a lot of money this week. I wish I could go with you, but I can't.
- Do you enjoy shopping? What is your favourite shop?
- Sure! I like to go to the mall when there are discounts. I don't have a favorite store. Do you shop online?
- Yes, but i prefer to go to the store. I have to go. We're talking on the phone.
(Ann arrives at the store)
- Hello!
- Hello! Are you looking for anything in particular?
- I need a black dress for tonight.
- What size do you wear?
- I would like the size S.
- We have several models.
- Thank you! Where is the dressing room?
- In the right.
- How much are this?
- 50 £. How would you like to pay?
- Can I pay by credit card?
- Sure!Thank you! Bye-bye!
- Bye! Have a good day!