Engleza, întrebare adresată de deni289, 9 ani în urmă

celebritati compunere in engleza (18 randuri)

mammare: ce celebritate vrei?
deni289: in general :)
deni289: cum e sa fi o celebritate
deni289: mai degraba un articol
deni289: Cred ca oricare dintre noi,la o anumita varsta a visat sa devina o mare vedeta,nu conta ce fel de vedeta…Unii ne-am dorit sa fim cantareti(e) cunoscuti(e),altii dansatori(e),actori,pictori renumiti,prezentaroi Tv,Dj,Vj si alte meserii care tin de media.
deni289: imi poti traduce?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mammare
The celebrities or the Super-stars also knowed are quite different from us. Maybe they are famous, maybe many people like them but somehow they are not always happy. Why? Because they sacrifaced anything to be what they are but people hate them . They don't have life because of paparazzi. Look at the actors. They smile when they win but maybe they are forced to do that. I don't think is good to be a super-star because you don't have a normal life. You always have to hide from others.

mammare: nu e prea mult dar...
mammare: sper ca e bn
deni289: imi poti si traduce?
deni289: multumesc mult
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