Engleza, întrebare adresată de blove123, 9 ani în urmă

Change the following sentences into indirect speech


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MATHtimestory
18)Linda said that she had bought the books he was speaking about.
19)she said that it has been raining for three hours
20)she said that you could have a sit
21)they thought that they have may move to bucharest
22)robert said that helen would love that puppy
23)peter said that he must be there before ten
24)lucy said that peter made her laugh
25)lucy said that it was the funniest show she has ever seen
26)the editor-in-chief said that her book will be a great succes
27)the guide said that the castle was that way
28)the organizer said that the festival will start next weekwnd on  wednesday

si asa se fac si restul propozitiilor,inlocuind persoana 1 cu a 3a si se pun verbele la trecut ca sa fie mai vizibil faptul ca s-a facut trecerea de la vorbire directa la vorbire indirecta..daca vrei iti mai pot face cateva propozitii in caz ca nu ai inteles

blove123: auzi si la propozitiile : i would help you with your homework if I came earlier
blove123: si la i wasn't expecting to see you linda
blove123: cum e
MATHtimestory: nu spune ceva precum said lola sau un alt nume dupa vorbirea directa?
blove123: da la prima Peter said
blove123: iar la a doua Lucy told linda
MATHtimestory: la prima este; peter said that he would help you with your homework if he came earlier
MATHtimestory: iar la a doua:lucy told linda the she wasn't expecting to see her
blove123: ok mersi
MATHtimestory: nu ai pentru ce1
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