Engleza, întrebare adresată de corcodelion70, 9 ani în urmă

Choose the best answer.

1.Chrys and John are form
a)GERMANY c)the usa
2.Chrys was born in
a)New York City b)Boston
3.     wants to study law
a)john b)chrys
c)John's bother
4.Chrys played the clarinet when she was
a)five b)twelve c) twenty
5.Their favorite holiday was
a)Thaksgiving b)Easter
6.Chrys and her brothers had finghts.
a)sometimes b)never c)always


corcodelion70: ma ajuti??
Mih2007: Chris and John were born in USA. 
Mih2007: Chris was born in New York. 
Mih2007: John wants to study law.
Mih2007: Chris played clarinet when she was twelve
Mih2007: Their favorite holiday was Christmas 
Mih2007: They had fights sometimes 
eduardbaican: Chrys and her brothers sometimes had fights.
eduardbaican: crys and john are from the USA.
eduardbaican: cu placere :D 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ioformaldeide

1.  USA

2.New York; 3.john; 4.b.twelve. 5. Christmas; 6.sometimes

eduardbaican: multumesc mult mult 
samic2003: multumesc foarte mult 
samic2003: tu m-ai spasit
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