Engleza, întrebare adresată de loveyou19, 8 ani în urmă

Choose the best future form to complete the dialogue.
A "Are you doing! Do you do anything on Friday
B Yes, I'm working/'ll work at the restaurant,
A Oh, what time ?are you finishing / do you finish?
B The restaurant usually closes at 9 pm and I work
until then but there's a party this Friday sol
3won't I don't finish until at least 10 pm. Why?
A Welli 4'm having /'ll have a party. Lots of people
5 come / are coming and I wanted to invite you, too.
B I'd love to come.
A You won't be / aren't being too tired?
B No way. It is being / will be the perfect way to start
the weekend.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de liliagarstea


  1. are you doing
  2. im working
  3. do you finish
  4. im having
  5. are coming
  6. won't be
  7. will be
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