Engleza, întrebare adresată de theea28, 9 ani în urmă

Choose the corect word.
1.He wanted to know then/therefore/so I told him the truth.
2.I last weny to the cinema three months ago/later/since.
3.I'm going to tidy my room to/after/nu breakfast.
4.He never arrived și after/lastly/in the end se left.
5.First of all/At first/The first I want to thank you for coming.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cri19
in the end
first of all
Răspuns de ssmecheru33
1. He wanted to know so I told him the truth.
2. I last went to the cinema three months ago.
3. Im going to tidy my room after breakfast.
4. Nu înțeleg ce ai scris acolo..
5. First of all I want to thank you for coming.
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