Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Choose the correct answer.
1) Anyone would think it was a matter of a) time; b) soul; c) life and death!
2) Can You keep a) alone; b) your breath; c) a secret?
3) Where did You find it? I've been searching far and a) high; b) wide; c) down for that.
4) It's a) spare; b) in; c) time You did something about this mess!
5) From a) spare; b) high; c) time to time I manage to take a few days off work and go fishing.
6) I'm going to a) do; b) take; c) have an early night tonight. I'm so tired.
7) We live quite a long way from my parents, but we still drop it on ghem now and a) when; b) before; c) then
8) You really need to a) take; b) get; c) have it easy and relax.
9) Look at that! You've made a complete a) mess; b) secret: c) difference of it.
10) If You sell those on the Internet you'll a) make; b) pay; c) spend lots of money.
Va rog toate exercitiile! Vreau cat mai corect deoarece lucrez pe calculator și trebuie sa am 10/10. Cine face cel mai corect si voi lua 10/10 primește coroana!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marcela16
1 - time
2- a secret
3- down
4- time
5- time to time
6- have
7- before
8- take it
9- mess
10- make a lots

Utilizator anonim: Mulțumesc! Ma poti ajuta si la geografie?
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