Engleza, întrebare adresată de elenaionela28, 8 ani în urmă

Choose the correct answer: 1 . Unless you………………….., she will never forgive you. a) will apologize b) don’t apologize c) apologize d) won’t apologize 2. Which is the past perfect form? a) have been b) has been c) had been d) had being 3. Odd-one-out a) cut – cut - cut b) put – put – put c) read – read – read d) cost – cost – cost 4. Don’t cry ……………………………….. a) because of spoilt milk b) over spoilt milk c) over spilt milk d) because of spilt milk 5. My teacher is very fond………………….her children. a) about b) on c) of d) at 6. By the time we arrived at the station, the train…………………………… a) left b) has left c) will have left d) had left 7. You should look this word…………………….in the dictionary. a) out b) for c) at d) up 8. I don’t like football. …………………………Tom. a) neither do b) either does c) so does d) neither does

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cicyphus


1. b) don't apologize

2. c) had been

3. d) cost - cost - cost

4. a) because of spoilt milk

5. a) about

6. d) had left

7. d) up

8. d) neither does

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