Engleza, întrebare adresată de karlik02, 9 ani în urmă

Choose the correct variant.

1. If you don’t feel (good/well), ask the boys to play (quiet/quietly). 2. Whenever she gets (tired/tiredly), she opens the window (wide/widely) and looks (envious/enviously) into the street where the people walk (happy/happily) and seem very (joyful/joyfully). 3. Why are you so (impatient/impatiently) to know her mark at the exam? 4. Th e doctor examined me (attentive/attentively) and kept (silent/silently) for a moment, a thing that made me become (restless/ restlessly). 5. It seems so (strange/strangely) that they won’t come; they became so (enthusiastic/enthusiastically) when we called and asked them (earnest/earnestly) to join us. 6. If you are not (attentive/attentively) you may fall down and hurt youself (bad/badly). 7. She looked so (tired/tiredly) that we decided to send her to bed (immediate/ immediately). 8. Th e proposal sounded (good/well) and we accepted it (willing/willingly). 9. She remained (silent/ silently) for a moment, then she started explaining (feverish/feverishly) her view point on the matter.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
1.good, quietly
2.tired, widely, envious, happy, joyful
4.attentively, silenty, restless
5.strangely, enthusiastic, earnestly
6.attentive, badly
7.tired, immediately
8.well, willingly
9.silent, feverishly
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