Engleza, întrebare adresată de frandesflorentina, 8 ani în urmă

choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences first use the negativ form de afirmative​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandraboghiu12


1.Petter doesn't study mathematics.He is studying history.

2. the boys aren't playing soccer.They are playing hokey.

3.I didn't drink coffee. I drinked tea.

4.She wasn't writting a letter to her grandmother.She was writting a letter to her aunt.

5.We don't drive a new car.We drive a used car.

6.I don't cook fish for dinner . I cook steak.

7.She doesn't watch sports on TV.She watches a movie.

8.The tourists don't speak Chinese. They speak Japanese.

9.He doesn't smoke a cigarette.He smokes a pipe.

10.She didn't wash the dishes . She washed the clothes.

11.They don't listen to classical music. They listen to rock music.

12.We didn't go to Hawaii for our vacation. We goed to Mexico.

Hope i helped you! sper că team ajuatat!

Please give me the crown. Te rog dămi coroană.

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