Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionela543, 8 ani în urmă

Choose the correct words:
Plss dau puncte și coroana
They are good friends (are they/ aren't they)?
Mary is drawing (is she/ isn't she)?
They aren't at home (are they/ aren't they)?
I am smart (am I/ aren't I)?
She isn't sleeping (is she/ isn't she)?
We are the best (are we/ aren't we)?
She is yout mother (is she/ isn't she)?
Kelly and Sarah aren't cooking (are they/ aren't they)?

Add a tag question to each sentences
Ex: You like computer games, don't you?

a) You know this boy,........?
b) He like English......?
c) They go to school in the morning.....?
d) She doesn't want to come.....?
e) They don't like babanas.....?
f) You don't live here........?
g) Tom lives next door....?
h) James and Jim watch TV a lot......?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


1. Choose the correct words:



They are good friends, aren't they?

Mary is drawing, isn't she?

They aren't at home, are they?

I am smart, aren't I?

She isn't sleeping, is she?

We are the best, aren't we?

She is your mother, isn't she?

Kelly and Sarah aren't cooking, are they?

2. Add a tag question to each sentence.



You know this boy, don't you?

He likes English, doesn't he?

They go to school in the morning, don't they?

She doesn't want to come, does she?

They don't like bananas, do they?

You don't live here, do you?

Tom lives next door, doesn't he?

James and Jim watch TV a lot, don't they?



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