Engleza, întrebare adresată de geo5t, 10 ani în urmă

Cine am ajuta sa traduc?
      Dragi colegi,in aceasta zi va voi preyenta familia mea .Eu m-am nascut in 1998 la 16 noiembrie.Am sa va prezint familia mea la o petrecere cand eu aveam un doi ani si jumatate in acel an a murit  fiica a celei mai bune prietene din familie .Primi ani la gradinita le am petrecut alaturi de manuela si cu   fosti colegi  ai mei Cea mai buna prietena a mea a fost Flori care este o fata energica.O puteti vede in imagini.La prima petrecere de la gradinita eram cu flori,manuela,andi eu eram un spectator care prive florile.Educatoarea din imagine a fost ce mai buna educatoare pe  care le am avut.La scoala a fost un pic mai greu ,dar am sa va prezint primul meu an in care am fost la serbaea pt 8 martie alaturi de sora mea  si prieteni mei.Noi in familoe suntem cinci frati,dar se pare ca am ramas singur la parinti alaturi de faratele meu Cristian.Imi iubesc parinti si  sunt cei mai tari.Si promit ca nu am sa i dezamagesc. 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CryMe
Dear coworkers,in this day I will present you my family.I was born on 16th november 1998. I will present you my family at a party when I was 2 years old, In the same year our family friends daughter died. First years at kindergarden I was spent with Manuela and a few friends. My best friend was Flori who is a full of life person.You can see her in the pictures.At my first party at the kindergarden I was with FLori,Manuela,Andi.The teacher in the image was the best teacher I've ever had, At schoold was bit harder,but I will present you my first year when I was at the graduate with my sister and my friends, In our family we are 5 children,but it seems that I have left alone at my parents with my brother Cristian, I love my parents and they are the best. And i promise not to disappoint them.  

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