Cine cunoaște engleză si mă poate ajuta !!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. Match the words to the pictures.
[See the attachment]
2. Are the statements true, false or it doesn't say?
1. Easter is in summer. (❌false)
Easter is in spring.
2. Easter starts two days before Sunday. (✔️true)
Easter starts on Good Friday in Britain. (Which means 2 days before Sunday)
3. Everybody eats hot cross buns on Good Friday morning in Britain. (Ø it doesn't say)
My mum makes hot cross buns and we eat them for tea. (We don't know if everybody does that or if it's just Jack's family)
4. Jack's family eats hot cross buns on Good Friday morning. (✔️true)
My mum makes hot cross buns and we eat them for tea.
5. Children make Easter bonnets this year at school. (❌false)
This year we are going to design a basket full of painted Easter eggs. (They made Easter bonnets last year. This year they are making a basket full of painted Easter eggs)
6. Jack likes doing Easter projects. (✔️true)
It will be a great fun! (Yes, because he's excited to do it)
7. Easter egg hunting meanst hat children eat chocolate eggs. (Ø it doesn't say)
8. Jack gets three chocolate eggs. (Ø it doesn't say)
9. On sunday afternoon two cousins come over. (Ø it doesn't say)
In the afternoon my cousins, aunts and uncles come over for tea. (We don't know how many cousins will come over)
10. Unfortunately, children have to go to school at Easter in Britain. (❌false)
I like Easter because it is a great family festival and there is no school for two weeks!:)
3. Answer the questions
1. When is Easter?
Easter is in spring and it starts on Good Friday in Britain.
2. What do people celebrate at Easter?
People celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(Resurrection means "învierea")
3. Who gets chocolate eggs in Britain?
Everyone does, although the kids get the biggest ones.
4. What are the traditional food at Easter?
The traditional food for Easter are roasted lamb and vegetables.
5. Why does Jack like Easter?
Jack likes Easter because it's a great family festival and he doesn't have to go to school during this holiday.
4. Complete the sentences.
1. This year the Easter projects will be a basket full of painted eggs.
2. After breakfast Jack's family goes to church.
3. Emily and Jack search for Easter eggs in the garden.
4. In the afternoon all his family have tea.
5. At Easter there is no school in Britain.
5. What about you? How do you celebrate Easter? What do you do at Easter? What do you eat? Do you have Easter holidays in your country?
5. Yes, I do celebrate Easter in my country. I usually eat our traditional food which is made of lamb steak, Easter eggs, "cozonac" and "drob de miel".