Limba română, întrebare adresată de Vladutzz77, 9 ani în urmă

Cine este Robert Grant

P.S suntem la textul : "Cand bunicul era nepot", nu cred ca are vreo insemnatie, dar prima data cand am ajuns la acest exercitiu credeam ca este ceva legat de text, am cautat si nu am gasit nimic legat de acesta. Va rog spuneti-mi!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anisoaraalexeenco
Robert Grant Aitken astronom american.

stramalovschii: Grant was born into a wealthy family in Boston, Massachusetts on January 24, 1852. He attended Boston Latin School and graduated from Harvard University in 1873. At one point in his college career he was publicly reprimanded for missing chapel on 22 occasions.[1] He received the first Ph.D. in English granted by Harvard in 1876 and a law degree in 1879.[2]

His first novel appeared in 1880. It was called The Confessions of a Frivolous Girl, a realistic depiction of the problems facing young wome
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