Engleza, întrebare adresată de Moldova1111, 9 ani în urmă

Cine imi face e dau (100) de puncte!!!!!Eseul sa fie minimum de 10 propozitii!!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cosmaandra2000

Nowadays we are influenced by different people and our first years of life are crucial because those are the years when we develop our personality and the parents play an important role in this part of our life.

First of all, a reason why I agree with the statement is that parents are the most important people that a child needs. In the first years of a child, parents play actually the role of a teacher, and even more. Thanks to their parents the child learns to walk, speak, draw, write, play, how to treat others and many other things that every child should learn from their first stages.

Second of all, the best education is the one that you have from where you come. That means that the first years and how you grow, influence the future because every person learns to live with some specific rutine. Parents can be great teachers because they know what is the best for their children, they can help them with anything they struggle and they can also be their best friends.

In conclusion, parents can really be the best teachers because they are the ones who can influence and teach the best lessons in life from the very beginning.

Ilovealoevera: Foarte frumos textul,dar sa ai mai multa grija la gramatica.;)
cosmaandra2000: Multumesc ! Da, se mai intampla sa mai gresim. Totusi, care ar fi greselile ?
Ilovealoevera: Imi pare rau,chiar eu sunt cea care a gresit , acum am analizat textul si am realizat ca m-am inselat in privinta frazei “gresite”.Sper ca nu te-ai simtit ofensata de comentariul meu anterior.
cosmaandra2000: nu, e ok :)
Ilovealoevera: :)
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