Engleza, întrebare adresată de paraginamariaowft40, 9 ani în urmă

Cine imi poate sa-mi scrie cum se citeste textul acesta "My trip to Greece was amazing. It waited about 4 hours in the plane because Greece is pretty far away, but it was definitely worth it. The first thing that I saw was the amazingly tall mountains and the beautiful beaches. We went to a hotel and the next me and my mom went to the closest beach. It was one of the cleanest beaches that I have ever went to! I really wanted to go mountain hiking, but my mom was scared of my security so we didn't, but that's okay. The food in Greece is very delicious, but pretty expensive. Luckily my mom bought me everything I wanted!

That was my trip. I would go to Greece again as soon as possible because it is the most beautiful country ever!"
Va Roogggg

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de palosmonica33

Mai trip tu Gris uaz ameizing. it ueitid ăbaut for auars in da plein bicaz Gris is priti far auei bat it uas definetli uort it. Da farst ting dat ai so uas da ameizingli tol maunteins end da biutiful biciz. Ui uent tu a hotel end da next mi end mai mam uent tu da clousest bici. It uas uan of da clinest biciz dat ai hev evar uent tu. Ai rili uanted tu go mauntein haiching bat mai mam uas scherd of mai sechiuriti so ui didănt bat dats ok. Da fud in Gris iz veri delișăs bat priti expensiv. Lacli mai mam bot mi evriting ai uanted. Dat uas mai trip. Ai ud go tu Gris ăghen es sun es posibăl bicaz it iz da most biutiful cantri evăr

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