Engleza, întrebare adresată de timeeavlad26, 8 ani în urmă

Cine imi traduce in engleza?
,, Sunt o persoana foarte pesimista cateodata .Multe persoane imi spun ca vad mereu numai partea rea a lucrurilor iar acest lucru nu e bine deloc.
De exemplu,am dat teza anul trecut la matematica si nu prea m-am descurcat.Nu am luat o nota destul de buna si m-am suparat foarte tare.Imi spuneam incontinuu ca nu o sa imi maresc media si ca nu sunt desteapta deloc.Am fost foarte pesimista .
Acum doi ani am fost internata la spital pentru ca am fost foarte bolnava.Credeam ca nu o sa ma mai fac bine,ca o sa mai stau in spital mult timp si ca nu o sa pot sa ma duc acasa.Eram foarte pesimista si foarte speriata.
Sa fii pesimist nu e deloc bine pentru ca nu vei puteasa fii fericit niciodata daca mereu vezi numai partea rea .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Amiamiraelena

"I am a very pessimistic person sometimes. Many people tell me that I always see only the bad side of things and this is not good at all.

For example, I gave my dissertation last year in mathematics and I didn't do very well. I didn't get a good enough grade and I was very upset. .I was very pessimistic.

Two years ago I was hospitalized because I was very ill. I thought I would not get well, that I would stay in the hospital for a long time and that I would not be able to go home. I was very pessimistic and very scared.

Being pessimistic is not good at all because you will never be able to be happy if you always see only the bad side.

timeeavlad26: ai tradus cu google translate?
Amiamiraelena: nope, am eu altceva n-am nevoie de google translație+ca testul era super ușor și am și tastatura pe engleza...
Amiamiraelena: textul*
timeeavlad26: ok..multumesc mult;)
Amiamiraelena: cu drag
Răspuns de elenasirbu62


I am a very pessimistic person sometimes. Many people tell me that I always see only the bad side of things and this is not good at all.

For example, I gave my dissertation last year in mathematics and I didn't do very well. I didn't get a good enough grade and I was very upset. I kept telling myself that I wouldn't increase my average and that I wasn't smart at all. .I was very pessimistic.

Two years ago I was hospitalized because I was very ill. I thought I would not get well, that I would stay in the hospital for a long time and that I would not be able to go home. I was very pessimistic and very scared.

Being pessimistic is not good at all because you will never be able to be happy if you always see only the bad side.

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