Engleza, întrebare adresată de razvanandrei456, 9 ani în urmă

Dear Diary,
I had a very special party last king night.a long ago, in 1605 some people tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament to kill King James 1. conspirators were Catholic and were unhappy because they were not allowed men follow their religion openly.A called Guy Fawkes was guarding the gunpowder when they discovered plot.He was executed on November.Ever 5 since Englishmen celebrated Bonfire Night that make an effigy date.Kids Guy Fawkes called "burn guy'.They guy on a campfire and have fireworks.
I was dying to ignite fireworks, but I was not allowed to.Apparently there were often accidents where children were burned Hevea badly.You can not even buy fireworks until they are over 16 !
Tey party eas very informal.We us did sauges and potatoes (yes, again!) In the campfire. Then I danced and played games, but we stopped 11.You can not play music loud music then because some people wnt to go to bed then. I can not imagine why!
There I enjoyed so much older

razvanandrei456: iMI RASP SI MIE CINEVA?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Alessiuu
Draga Diary,
Am avut o petrecere foarte importanta ieri.Acum mult timp , in 1605 niste oameni au incercat sa explodeze Houses of Parliament sa-l omoare pe King James 1. Conspiratorii au fost Catolicii, si au fost foarte tristi din cauza ca ei nu au avut voie sa urmareasca religia deschisa. Un om pe nume Fawkes a protejat praful de pusca cand ei au descpoperit intriga. El l-a executat in Noiembrie . Fiecare 5 Englezi au celebrat Bonfire Night, acel lugru a facut o data efigie.Copii baiatului Fawkes se numeau "baiatul prajit".Ei --pe un foc de tabara si au artificii.
Am murit cand am stins artificiile , dar nu am fost nevoit.Aparent, acolo sunt dese accidente unde copii sunt arsi Hevea rau.Tu nu poti sa cumperi artificii pana cand ei fac 16 ani !
Ei au petrecut foarte informal. Noi am facut carnati si cartofi (da, din nou!).In focul de tabara. Dupa am dansat si am jucat jocuri, dar noi ne-am oprit 11. Tu nu poti asculta muzica tare dupa din cauza ca niste oameni vor sa se duca in pat dupa.Nu-mi pot imagina de ce!
Acolo am petrecut atat de mult batranetea.

razvanandrei456: Ms,dar ai luat dupa google translate?
Alessiuu: Nu.
Alessiuu: Am tradus-o eu, cat am putut, vezi ca ai scris gresit unele cuvinte, de aia nu am putut traduce tot.
razvanandrei456: Bn
razvanandrei456: Ms
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