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OneRepublic, este una dintre cele mai iubite trupe pop – rock ale momentului.
Lansata la inceputul anilor 2000, trupa OneRepublic a avut un parcurs impresionant ajungand sa se claseze astazi printre cele mai apreciate nume ale curentului pop-rock international. Trupa s-a nascut in 2002 la initiativa solistului Ryan Tedder si a chitaristului Zach Filkins, bucurandu-se de notorietate inca de la debut, mai ales in cadrul unor platforme online de muzica.
Debutul discografic a avut loc, in 2007, materialul Dreaming Out Loud avand de aceasta data sprijinul Interscope Records. De aici pana la succesul international nu a mai fost decat un singur pas. Primul single, „Apologize”, a devenit un hit incontestabil, ajungand pe prima pozitie a clasamentelor muzicale din 16 tari, aducandu-le totodata si prima nominalizare la premiile Grammy. Cel de-al doilea single, „Stop and Stare”, a reusit la randul sau sa se pozitioneze bine in clasamentele Billboard, albumul ajungand sa fie rasplatit cu mai multe discuri de platina si aur pentru numarul de vanzari inregistrate.
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OneRepublic is one of the most popular pop bands - rock of the moment.Launched in early 2000, the band OneRepublic had an impressive journey getting to win today among the most popular names in international pop-rock flow. The band was born in 2002 at the initiative of singer Ryan Tedder and Zach Filkins guitarist, enjoying the notoriety since its debut, especially in the online music platforms.
The debut album took place in 2007, Dreaming Out Loud material this time with the support of Interscope Records. From here to the international success was not only one step. The first single, "Apologize" has become an undeniable hit, reaching the first position of the music charts in 16 countries, and also bringing their first Grammy nomination. The second single, "Stop and Stare" in turn managed to position itself well in Billboard, the album getting to be rewarded with several platinum and gold for the number of sales recorded.
The debut album took place in 2007, Dreaming Out Loud material this time with the support of Interscope Records. From here to the international success was not only one step. The first single, "Apologize" has become an undeniable hit, reaching the first position of the music charts in 16 countries, and also bringing their first Grammy nomination. The second single, "Stop and Stare" in turn managed to position itself well in Billboard, the album getting to be rewarded with several platinum and gold for the number of sales recorded.
Răspuns de
OneRepublic is one of the most popular pop bands - rock of the moment.Launched in early 2000, the band OneRepublic had an impressive journey getting to win today among the most popular names in international pop-rock flow. The band was born in 2002 at the initiative of singer Ryan Tedder and Zach Filkins guitarist, enjoying the notoriety since its debut, especially in the online music platforms.
The debut album took place in 2007, Dreaming Out Loud material this time with the support of Interscope Records. From here to the international success was not only one step. The first single, "Apologize" has become an undeniable hit, reaching the first position of the music charts in 16 countries, and also bringing their first Grammy nomination. The second single, "Stop and Stare" in turn managed to position itself well in Billboard, the album getting to be rewarded with several platinum and gold for the number of sales recorders
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