Cine ma ajuta cu traducerea va rog :The main European nations who were involved in the transatlantic slave trade were Britain,France,Portugal,Spain,Holland,Denmark and Sweden.From about 1730 to 1800 Liverpool was the most important port .The transatlantic slave trade usually followed a triangular route .Traders left the European ports and went to the west coast of Africa.In exchange for goods like alcohol,cloth and guns,they bought African people and put them onto their ships.These future slaves were taken across the Atlantic to the Americas and the West Indies .The voyage took six to eight weeks.Conditions on board the slave ships were terrible .The men were forced to lie down.The women and children were separated from the men.In good weather the slaves were bought on deck and forced to exercise.They were fed twice a day .A lot of people were sick and died of disease during the voyage.Those who died were thrown overboard.When they reached their destination , the Africans were sold as slaves.The traders used the money to buy cheap local products such as sugar, rum,coffee,tobacco,rice and cotton,which were them taken back to Europe and sold .The slave traders made a lot of money at every point of the triangle.Almost half of the slaves were taken to the Caribbean Large numbers were also taken to Central and South America.About one in twenty were taken to the southern states of North America.They were forced by their owners to learn a new language and new customs and to work for nothing.A lot of slaves died or commited suicide . The slave trade was abolished in Britain in 1807.
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Principalele natiuni europene care au fost implicate in comertul transatlantic cu sclavi au fost:MareaBritanie, Franta, Portugalia, Spania, Olanda, Danemarca si Suedia.Din 1730 pana in 1800, Liverpool a fost cel mai important port. Comertul transatlantic cu sclavi urma de obicei o ruta triunghiulara. Comerciantii au parasit porturile europene si au mers pe coasta de vest a Africii.In schimbul bunurilor precum alcool, haine si arme, ei cumparau africani si ii imbarcau pe vapoarele lor. Acesti viitori sclavi erau luati peste Atlantic la Americi si India de vest. Calatoria a luat de la 6 la 8 saptamani. Conditiile de pe puntile vapoarelor cu sclavi erau groaznice. Barbatii erau obligati sa stea pe jos. Femeile si copiii erau separati de barbati. Pe vreme buna, sclavii erau adusi pe punte si fortati sa faca exercitii fizice. Erau hraniti de doua ori pe zi. Multi oameni erau bolnavi si au murit din cauza bolilor de-a lungul calatoriei. Cei care mureau erau aruncati peste bord. Cand ajungeau la destinatie, africanii erau vanduti drept sclavi. Comerciantii foloseau banii ca sa cumpere produse locale ieftine precum zahar, rom, cafea, tigari, orez, si bumbac care erau apoi luate in Europa si vandute. Comerciantii de sclavi au facut o multime de bani la fiecare punct la triunghiului. Aproape jumatate dintre sclavi erau luati in Caraibe. Un numar mare era deasemenea luat in America centrala si de sud. Aproximativ unul din 20 era luat in statele sudice ale Americii de nord. Erau fortati de proprietarii lor sa invete o noua limba, noi obiceiuri si sa munceasca pentru nimic( fara sa primeasca bani ca rasplata). Multi sclavi au murit sau s-au sinucis. Comertul cu sclavi s-a incheiat in Marea Britanie in 1807. Phew...ce mult a fost. Sper ca te-am ajutat !
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