Engleza, întrebare adresată de kzksoejheujsksn, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andradaok
b. was knocked down
c. did John give
d. was not discovered
e. will be dealt with by
f. has been discovered
g. Announced
j. Invites

kzksoejheujsksn: ms
Răspuns de gabrigiordache


2. The old house on the corner (knock down) was knocked down last year.

3. When exactly (John give) was John given/will John be given his prize?

4. Most people agree that America (not discover) was not discovered by Ch. Columbus.

5. All complaints about products (deal with) are dealt with/will be dealt with by customer

service department.

6. Police confirmed that the murder weapon (since discover) has since been discovered in a

nearby lake.

7. It (announce) was announced yesterday that the government has decided mot to raise

income tax.

8. Good news! I (ask) have been asked to take over as the new managing director.

9. I don’t believe that this play (write) was written by Shakespeare.

10. Ann really likes (invite) being invited to dinner parties.

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