Engleza, întrebare adresată de lulu437289, 9 ani în urmă

Cine mă ajută și pe mine la ex 5,6,7???Dau coroană!!!!!!!!!!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de xBroGacha


a) We have been on holiday to France six times.

b) Anna has gone to her gymnastics lesson. She's coming back in a hour. (Când scrii în caiet să scrii cu "a" nu cu "an". Este o greșeală)!

c) I have been to a basketball game - it was great!

d) John has been to an escape room twice before.

e) They have gone swimming. They left at 9 o'clock.

f) They aren't here. They have gone rollerblading.


a) Have you ever met a famous singer?

b) Pete has just bought tickets for the show.

c) I've never tried rollerblading.

d) Jane has already gone to bed.

e) We've lived in Bucharest for three years.


a) I have been learning French for the last five years.

b) Have they been waiting here all morning?

c) We have not been playing tennis for long.

d) She looks tired. She has been writing emails for hours.

e) Oliver has been working on his project since morning.

xBroGacha: Coroană?
lulu437289: cum dau?
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