Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cristi4962, 9 ani în urmă

Cine ma poate ajuta?


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de crazycat21

My best friend is named Alin.He is 15 years old and he live near my house(that's amazing because we see each other very often).After school we play video games in my house.We like talk about new music(like twenty one pilots,sau scrii ce artist/trupă îți place ție) and games.He is funny, have a always a big smile on his face, a mole(aluniță din aia de pe față  gen) on  his neck in the left side and a hit on his thumb(deget mare).I know him from head to toe.He is soooo good at playing the piano and he love doing this.Also he love history.He think that sometime will be teacher.He doesn t got many friends because he think he is ok with only 2-3 friends.I like to spend time with him because is such a good friend and colleague(cred că așa se scrie).He seemed with no negative things but he is a bit(a bit habar n am cum, scrie și tu ceva negativ despre 'Alin'=)), cred că l am descris prea bine, de asta nu îi găsesc niciun defect=)))))))))) ).

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