cine ma poate ajuta cu un referat în egleza despre : what would have happened if The corona virus had been more dangeros /letal?
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns: Oare l-ai făcut/ mai ai nevoie de el? In caz de orice o sa ți-l fac.
Lately, we’ve all gotten used to the spread of the coronavirus, which caught us by surprise in early march, no one excepted the new year, to be a year with a pandemic, we also know that the pandemic was quite scary at first. We were in lockdown for two full months, throughout these months people started to be less and less careful, and once mid-May approached, people already walked around without masks, which helped spread the virus more. My opinion is, that of this virus was mor dangerous/lethal, it would lead to mass deaths all around the globe, and people would be more careful around people knowing such a dangerous disease would be around. Most likely everything would shut down, from schools, to bars, restaurants, public pools, absolutely everything, and there would be an economic fall, which would lead to world hunger and much more.