Cine ma poate ajuta la engleza?

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. The author added irrelevant information about her own experience regarding extra French lessons.
2. The letter was written in a informal style. The style is appropriate, yet the author doesn't convey enough respect and falls short of its main purpose giving advice on learning English.
3. The paragraphs have a certain consistency, yet the main issue remains the lack of content pertaining the matter of interest, the English learning advice.
4. I think the target reader will be a bit disappointed by the tone of the letter.
Dear Tim,
Hi – how are you? I’m good but I have exams this week at school. I write to answer your letter in which you ask me for my advice.
There is a range of options you could choose from. But before I begin with those, I like to say it’s a shame you can’t take extra lessons. I had extra lessons when I wanted to improve my French and it helped a lot, but that was also because of my teacher. She was the best! Anyway, you could listen to the English music more often.
Of course you shouldn’t spend hours listening to music. That’s just a waste of time! Listening to songs in English is a good way to learn new vocabulary, and it’s fun too! Furthermore, if I was you I’d read more in English. You can also have conversations with a friend in English, and then correct each other’s mistakes.
I recommend that you accept my advice on the matter.
Yours sincerely,