Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionutbrighinaru2001, 8 ani în urmă

Cine ma poate ajuta la engleză cu aceste exerciți, va rog nu ma descurc și vreau sa iau și eu o nota bun amacar am mare nevoie de ajutor va rog​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de teodora6823g5

3. did

wouldn't got


could been able to

got up

wouldn't been

Răspuns de Cancerino


III. 1. I did my homework, my teacher did not get angry at me.

2.If I lived in a bigger house, i would be able to invite friends over.

3. If I would get up earlier, I wouldn't be late to school

IV. 1. If he wouldn't have sold some of his paintings, Van Gogh would have got some recognition in his lifetime.

2. If Barbara Streisand wouldn't have changed the shape of her nose, her career wouldn't have been the same.

3. If Anne Sullivan wouldn't have teached her, Helen Keller wouldn't have been able to communicate.

4. If Naomi Campbell wouldn't be so beautiful, she wouldn't be have become a supermodel

6. 1C 2F 3A 4E 5B 6D

7. wouldn't have watched, wouldn't feel, had, would have bought, pass, can you get me, i would have talked, are in a hurry, shouldn't be late, speak, will ask

ionutbrighinaru2001: mulțumesc Cancerino
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