Engleza, întrebare adresată de buzatusimona2443, 8 ani în urmă

Cine ma poate ajuta la exercitiul 3 ?? plus explicatie ...dau funda
continuare :
11. I.............(not realise ) how many CDs my sister had until I went into her room at the weekend
12 . I .........(think) about applying for a job at my local supermarket for some time . Then I saw a sign saying they needed more check out assistants and decided to apply .​​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Zmara14
1. lived
2. chopped
3. stopped
4. said
5. was working
6. saw
7. were chatting
8. did not flew
9. do you know
10. were preparing
11. did not realized
12. was thinking
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