Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

cine ma poate ajuta ?? rog frumos !!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lorenaconstantin2010



The children doesn't read books

Alan doesn't write poems

The dogs doesn't bark

Gerry doesn't play basketball

Tim doesn't fly his kite

Vanessa doesn'y work on her essay

Kevin and Nico doesn't live in a house

Austin doesn't understand Russian

Our cat doesn't catch mice

I don't have two dogs


Did the children read books?

Did Alan wrote poems?

Did the dog bark?

Did Gerry play basketball?

Did Tim flew his kite?

Did Vanessa work on her essay?

Did Kevin and Nico live in a house?

Did Austin understood Russian?

Did our cat caught mice?

Did I had two dogs?

I hope is good

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