Engleza, întrebare adresată de daniden24, 8 ani în urmă

cine poate sa imi faca o scrisoare in engleza catre un prieten in care sa ii povestesc cum a fost vizita la muzeu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeapo2008
I went to visit a museum last week, it was so cool !I went with my class and everyone was interested in the things in the museum.
There were mummies and a lot of other things ! I had lots of fun !
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daniden24: poti so faci putin mai lunga
andreeapo2008: O sa incerc
andreeapo2008: Hi,Sam
I want to visit a museum last week , it was so cool !I went there with my class and every single student was interested in the things in the museum.There were mummies , lots of old paintings and even old notebooks!My favourite thing was an old notebook,it was very interesting. I had lots of fun ! I hope I will go there again !
Write back
......(your name)
andreeapo2008: E ok ?
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