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My School
Scoala mea nu este foarte mare ,dar este foar veche. Aici au invatat multe generatii. Aceasta scoala iti asigura toate nevoile , si nu cred ca ai nevoie de mai mult. In scoala sunt 3 laboratoare, de biologie , fizica si informatica dar acesta este foarte prost optimizat.
In curtea scolii se afla un teren de fotbal unde elevii isi practica ora de sport. Profesorii sunt foarte intelegatori si foarte primitori.
Scoala este situata in centrul satului , intr-o zona foarte frumoasa. In total sunt 8 clase . Intodeauna scoala este curata, deoarece avem o femeie de servici foarte muncitoare. Dimineata ivata copii de clasele 1- 4 si dupa ora 12:00 invata copii de clasele 5-8. Regurile sunt foarte stricte , daca nu sunt respectate pod duce la pedepse.
Chiar daca nu este o scoala speciala , poti invata multe de aici .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
My school isn't really that big, but it's very old. Here, many generations learnt and studied. The school offers you all the necessities and I believe you won 't need more. There are 3 laboratories, for , biology, physics and a computer lab yet this one is badly optimized. Outside you'll find a football terrain where students can practice their PE classes. The teachers are understanding (?) and have warm hearts.
The school is positioned in the center of the village, with beautiful views. In total, there are 8 grades. This place is always clean thanks to our dedicated and hard working maintenance lady. In the morning, the 1st-4th grade kids learn and after 12 o' clock 5th-8th graders come. The rules are very strict, thus breaking one of them may lead to consequences.
Even though it's not a special school, you can still learn a lot from here.
The school is positioned in the center of the village, with beautiful views. In total, there are 8 grades. This place is always clean thanks to our dedicated and hard working maintenance lady. In the morning, the 1st-4th grade kids learn and after 12 o' clock 5th-8th graders come. The rules are very strict, thus breaking one of them may lead to consequences.
Even though it's not a special school, you can still learn a lot from here.
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