Engleza, întrebare adresată de mayamoised, 8 ani în urmă

cine poate să mă ajute vă rog!e pt o notă și am nevoie să iau 10. trebuie să scriu după modelul din poză despre Palatul Parlamentului României dar în engleză.In poză modelul e la ex 7 Dau coroana și 15 puncte. ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ValeriaMnt


I'm facts and figures :

▫️Opposite, at the end of Unirii Boulevard, you can see the most famous "house" also known as the Palace of the Parliament, "People's House" or "Republic House", a name given before the 1989 Revolution.

▫️The building measures 270 m by 240 m, 86 m high, and 92 m underground. It has 9 levels on the surface and another 9 underground. It has about 1000 rooms, of which 440 offices, over 30 halls and lounges, restaurants, libraries, and even a concert hall. There are also rumors about the existence of an anti-atomic bunker.

▫️Currently, the People's House, which has become the Palace of the Parliament, houses the 2 chambers of the Romanian Parliament, the National Museum of Contemporary Art and the headquarters of several International Organizations.


Sper să iei 10! :))

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