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Regatul Unit a fost prosper din punct de vedere ecoomic atât înainte de a adera la comunitatea Europeană, în 1973, cât și după ce a părăsit-o. Taberele pro şi anti-UE au adus, pe parcursul o serie de argumente pentru şi împotriva rămânerii Marii Britanii in Uniunea Europeana.
Primul dezavantaja al ramanerii in UE este imigrația. Marea Britanie nu ar fi putut controla niciodată imigraţia, dacă nu ar fi ieşit din Uniunea Europeană, pentru că libertatea de circulaţie le oferă celorlalţi cetăţeni UE dreptul automat să trăiască în Regatul Unit. Însă un argument pro-UE ar fi infractionalitatea. Violatorii, criminalii şi alţii care comit infracţiuni grave în Marea Britanie pot fi transferaţi în Regatul Unit pentru a răspunde pentru faptele lor numai datorită Mandatului european de arestare. Ieşirea din UE împiedica funcţionarea justiţiei.
Un alt dezavanatj ar fi comertul deoarece legăturile Marii Britanii cu UE îi subminează relaţiile cu pieţele emergente – nu există nici un acord comercial important cu India sau China, de exemplu. Ieşirea din UE ar permite Marii Britanii să îşi diversifice relaţiile internaţionale. Dar un alt argument stabil pentru care Marea Britanie ar trebui sa ramana in UE il reprezinta locurile de munca. Circa trei milioane de locuri de muncă sunt legate de UE şi riscă să dispară, dacă alegătorii votează pentru Brexit, deoarece companiile vor fi mai reticente să investească, în cazul în care ţara este în afara blocului comunitar.
În concluzie , ieșirea Marii Britanii din UE are atat avantaje cat si dezavantaje care vor schimba Marea Britanie.
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The United Kingdom was economically prosperous both before joining the European Community in 1973 and after leaving it.The pro and anti-EU camps brought along a series of arguments for and against British retention in the European Union.
The first disadvantage of staying in the EU is immigration. Britain could never have controlled immigration if it had not left the European Union because freedom of movement would give other EU citizens the automatic right to live in the United Kingdom.But a pro-EU argument would be crime. Violators, criminals and others who commit serious crimes in the UK can be transferred to the United Kingdom to respond to their deeds only because of the European arrest warrant. EU exit hinders the functioning of justice.
Another disadvantage would be trade because the links between Britain and the EU undermine its relations with emerging markets - there is no significant trade agreement with India or China, for example.Exiting the EU would allow Great Britain to diversify its international relations. But another stable argument for which Britain should remain in the EU is its jobs.About three million jobs are linked to the EU and risk disappearing if voters vote for Brexit because companies will be more reluctant to invest if the country is outside the bloc.
In conclusion, Britain's exit from the EU has both advantages and disadvantages that will change the UK.
The United Kingdom was economically prosperous both before joining the European Community in 1973 and after leaving it.The pro and anti-EU camps brought along a series of arguments for and against British retention in the European Union.
The first disadvantage of staying in the EU is immigration. Britain could never have controlled immigration if it had not left the European Union because freedom of movement would give other EU citizens the automatic right to live in the United Kingdom.But a pro-EU argument would be crime. Violators, criminals and others who commit serious crimes in the UK can be transferred to the United Kingdom to respond to their deeds only because of the European arrest warrant. EU exit hinders the functioning of justice.
Another disadvantage would be trade because the links between Britain and the EU undermine its relations with emerging markets - there is no significant trade agreement with India or China, for example.Exiting the EU would allow Great Britain to diversify its international relations. But another stable argument for which Britain should remain in the EU is its jobs.About three million jobs are linked to the EU and risk disappearing if voters vote for Brexit because companies will be more reluctant to invest if the country is outside the bloc.
In conclusion, Britain's exit from the EU has both advantages and disadvantages that will change the UK.
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