Cineva cine se pricepe la traducerea in engleza?
Nimeni nu
se îngrijea de el. Trase un scaun de paie ce era alături, își întinse piciorul cel bolnav pe el și, cu mare greutate, își scoase pantoful. După aceea încercă să-și scoată ciorapul,dar era cu neputință pentru dânsul. Blestemând, întinse
mâna pe o măsuță, luă o
pereche de foarfece și-l tăie pe de-a-ntregul. Poate că era prea stâmpt ciorapul. Încercă astfel să puie piciorul în pământ, și i se păru că umbla mai ușor. Își aduse aminte
de hârtii și întinse mâna
sub pernă să le ia. Pe când însă le lua, se gândea mereu la ciorapi: desigur,
erau prea strâmți. Asta era adevărata cauză a durerii.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Nobody cared for him. He pulled a chair that was beside straw, leg stretched out sick on him, and with great difficulty, removed his shoe. Then he tried to take off the stocking, but it was impossible for him. Cursing, stretched hand on a table, picked up a pair of scissors and cut it stark. Maybe it was too stâmpt stocking. Thus tried Puie foot in the ground, and it seemed easier walk. He remembered papers and reached under the pillow to take. But when we take the stockings always thought: of course, were too tight. That was the real cause of the pain.
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Răspuns de
Nobody was taking care of him.He pulled a straw chair who was right next. He stretched his sick foot on it and with a lot of effort he take off his shoe. After that he tried to take of his sock,but it was pointless for him.Cursing he stretched his hand on the table,and he took a pair of scissors and he cut it on straight. Maybe the sock was to tighted .In this way he tried to put the foot on the floor,and he was under the impression that he was moving easier.He remember about the paper and he stretched his hand under the pillow to take them.When he took them he was permanently thinking about the socks, of course they were to tighted.This was the real cause of the pain.
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