Engleza, întrebare adresată de Master24, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de binee91


1. Did you lock the door, When you left the house.

2.To a russian, She's a lawyer.

3.to the, once a.

4.what a beatiful day, on the terrace.

5.I love classical music, and italian food.

6.the girl, by the window.

7.I leave home, get to work.

8.Men, as women.

9.have dinner, go to bed.

10.She has a lovely face, and attractive eyes.

Sper ca te-am ajutat! Daca nu intelegi ceva da-mi un mesaj, sau raspunde-mi la raspuns

binee91: sper ca te-am ajutat!
Răspuns de Envyyy


1.Did you lock the door when you left the house?

2.My brother is married to a Russian.She's a lawyer.

3.We go to the theatre about once a month.

4.What a beautiful day! Let's have breakfast on the terrace.

5.I love classical music and Italian food.

6.Who is the girl by the window?

7.I leave the home at 8.00 and get to work at 9.00.

8.Men aren't normally as sensitive as women.

9.We usually have dinner at 8.00 and go to bed at about 11.30

10.She has a lovely face and attractive eyes.

binee91: Eu nu le-am zis cu tot cu propoziția dar mulțumesc ca le-ai spus tu!
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