Engleza, întrebare adresată de aaaacacattestlatic, 8 ani în urmă

Circle the correct item.
1 Nicole Kidman and Mel Gibson
Australian actors.
A am
B is
11 ........ is a teacher.
A She В |
C You
12 How old ......... Ken and Mike?
A is
B are
2 Elephants
A have
got strong legs.
B. has
C hasn't
3 Catherine is Irish. She
A'm not B isn't
C aren't
13 "What are those?”
"........ are flies.”
A Those B These
C They
4 ........ Lynn got red hair?
A Haven't B Has
C Have
14 "What's this?".
"It's ........ mouse."
A an
В а
C -
5 They are .........
Abox B boxes
C boxs
15 Fiona
A have
got two bikes. She's got one.
Bhasn't C has
you an actor?
B Isn't
C Are
16 Jim's got two new
A scarves B scarfs
C scarfes
........ are mice.
A These
B That
C This
17 1........ thirteen years old. I'm twelve.
A isn't B aren't C'm not
8 "Have you got a dictionary?".
"No, we ....
A have Bhasn't
18 Lucy and Janet are sisters. ........ are twins.
A They B We
C You


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de monicamacovei


  1. Is
  2. Has
  3. Isn't
  4. Has
  5. Boxes
  6. Are
  7. These
  8. Haven't
  9. 'S
  10. That
  11. She
  12. Are
  13. Those
  14. A
  15. Has
  16. Scarfs
  17. 'M not
  18. They
  19. Hasn't
  20. Feet
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