Engleza, întrebare adresată de kati1, 9 ani în urmă

cite cinci propozitii in engleza cu fiecare cuvint:

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anaroxana69
I can do this, because I love you.
I must go home.
I love may because is my birthday.
I need my mom and my dad.
Răspuns de Stefania5
I can do that without your help.
I can go with you on Sunday.
We can drink soda here.
We can drive at 18 years old.
She can go there after the test.

I must go to the bathroom.
You must wear your uniform.
They must be here on time.
You must clean your hands.
She must be here.

I need to see him.
They need some food.
She needs a hug.
We need a new teacher.
You need to wash your hair.

kati1: Dar may?
Stefania5: may ca si luna mai sau ca verb?
kati1: verb
Stefania5: May I go to the bathroom? You may swim in this pool. May I have a drink?
kati1: Si inca doua?
Stefania5: If you finish your book you may go with her
Stefania5: May I go with her to the principal?
kati1: mersi
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