Engleza, întrebare adresată de Ana23111, 9 ani în urmă

Comentariu pentru : Computer games a waster of time and money

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gheronte24
The computer games are a waste of money a time. the computer games make you dependent of them. You'll waste all your time at the computer and if that wasn't enough you'll spend lots of money on them. The computer games can be useful too. There are lots of people who live from playing videogames.
and they earn a lot of money. But making a job from video games isn't easy
if you choose this path you should work very hard but if you don't there a big waste of time wich will not bring you anything
Răspuns de Partymuffin22
Computer games can be a good entertainment source and can help you learn english. But they arent just great. They can be a huge waste of time, as you become addicted and Loose hours playing them, forgeting about real life. Most of the games arent free, usually somewhere around 10-20 euros, which most people would see as weird to pay just for a game.
But as i said at the beginning, they are fun and get rid of boredom, so i dont see anything wrong with liking them
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