Engleza, întrebare adresată de Oanaaanm, 8 ani în urmă

Comparati 2 orase sau țări in limba engleza, plss e urgent

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ionleahu30

With united destinies from the Ottonian period, Germany and Italy have a similar political evolution, in the sense that they maintain the faramity, which in France and England was replaced by the monarchic centralization. This situation has multiple causes.

Both Germany and Italy are deprived of economic unity, their different regions focusing on centers with often divergent interests.

The affirmation of the papacy was another factor in maintaining the political division in the two areas. The existence of a territorial state led by the Bishop of Rome in the center of Italy prevented any attempt to restore the unity of the peninsula until the modern age.

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