Engleza, întrebare adresată de MirunaMrrru, 8 ani în urmă

1._______ my best friend always buy me birthday presents?
2._______ it raining right now?
3._______ we learning English verbs in school?
4._______ your brother play computer game after school?
5._______ we playing ago fotball game tonight?
6._______ you listen to your i-Pod when you are doing homework?
7._______my parents painting the bedroom at the moment?
8._______te dog running after the cat?
9._______ the dog always chase cat?
10._______ your father make breakfast on Sunday?
11._______your father making the breakfadt now?
12_______ it often snow during the winter?
13._______ it snowing now?
14._______ your brother and sister have new bikes?
15._______they riding their bikes now?
16._______ you getting tired of the present?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sergiuhonciuc
1 nu stiu sincer 
2 Is 
3 Are
4 Does
5 Are
6 Do
7 Are 
8 Is 
9 Does 
10 Does
11 Is
12 Does
13 Is 
14 Do
15 Are
16 Are

MirunaMrrru: Multumesc! M-am verificat si asla am facut si eu.... La prima nu sunt sigura daca e " does" sau "do"...
sergiuhonciuc: este does. M-am incurcat eu la inceput :)))
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