Engleza, întrebare adresată de anonimul2348, 8 ani în urmă

Completați cu Present Continuous (ex. I am having, We are going, etc.) /Going To (ex. I am not going to be, We are going to buy, etc.) /Will (ex. I'il switch, she will invite, etc.)

JEAN :No, I (study)............. we've got exams on Monday and I (not fail)......... this time.
SALLY: Bad luck! You (have) ....... a dull weekend.
JEAN : Yes, in a way. Enjoy the concert!
SALLY: Thanks a lot. How's Alex?
abroad for
JEAN : I (see)........ him tomorrow. He says he (go)................ abroad for
his holidays in the summer. Look, after my exams I (ring).......... everyone and we (have)........... a party - if I pass, anyway!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bangchannie

Intrebare: Completați cu Present Continuous (ex. I am having, We are going, etc.) / Going To (ex. I am not going to be, We are going to buy, etc.) / Will (ex. I'il switch, she will invite, etc.).


JEAN: No, I am going to study. We've got exams on Monday and I am not going to fail this time.

SALLY: Bad luck! You are going to have a dull weekend.

JEAN: Yes, in a way. Enjoy the concert!

SALLY: Thanks a lot. How's Alex?

JEAN: I am going to see him tomorrow. He says he is going abroad for his holidays in the summer. Look, after my exams I am going to ring everyone and we are going to have a party - If I pass, anyway!


Goodluck! :)

anonimul2348: nu e corect
anonimul2348: la cateva
anonimul2348: de ex. la a doua e I am not going to fail
bangchannie: Nu am citit cu atentie enuntul. Am corectat. Imi cer scuze
anonimul2348: iar nu este corect la câteva, dar în fine
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