Engleza, întrebare adresată de anamaria0529, 8 ani în urmă

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8. Before you. .... (1) shopping for your mother, she makes. .... (2) that you have enough ..... (3) in your .... (4). This (5) will be in the ... (6) of coins or banknotes.
It is difficult for us to realize that there are shops in …(7) parts of the ... (8) where money
as we know .... (9), coins and notes, would be of ..... (10) use. In the markets and bazaars of these countries a handful of shells, a few beads, a bar of metal or some dogs' teeth might... (11) useful for .... (12) goods, but ....(13) and pence, dollars and . ...…. (14) would buy nothing. For the natives of ..... (15) Indian islands, shells are "money" as are dogs' teeth to the tribes in some of the South Sea Islands. In many ..... (16) the out of the way parts of the ..... (17) however, there is ..... (18) such things as money at all, because there is no ... (19) for it. In parts of Africa and ..... (20) the native tribes of South America, and some of the more remote islands of the Pacific, selling is still mainly a matter of barter.

9. "While.....(1) are men, science cannot protect itself. The desire ...(2) power is too . (3) in the ... (4) of all men. Even as I .. (5) to you now, events are ..... (6)you wrong. The first atomic ..... (7) has been made!" The Professor's first . (8) was .... (9) of frightened suspicion...... (10) he talking to a madman? But, meeting that cold level gaze, he began to ..……. (11) that Groom..... (12) be speaking the . (13). Finally, the Professor laughed and said:
"'You have a ..... (14) strange sense of .... (15), sir."... (16) you'd laugh," said Groom ..... (17); "but….(18) me put a question to you. ... (19) your opinion, which laboratory in the world is most ... (20) to have achieved this development?"


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tudorgiurca14

8. Before you. go (1) shopping for your mother, she makes. sure (2) that you have enough money (3) in your wallet (4). This money (5) will be in the form (6) of coins or banknotes.

It is difficult for us to realize that there are shops in some (7) parts of the world (8) where money as we know it (9), coins and notes, would be of no (10) use. In the markets and bazaars of these countries a handful of shells, a few beads, a bar of metal or some dogs' teeth might be(11) useful for buying (12) goods, but pounds (13) and pence, dollars and cents (14) would buy nothing. For the natives of the (15) Indian islands, shells are "money" as are dogs' teeth to the tribes in some of the South Sea Islands. In many places, in (16) the out of the way parts of the world,  (17) however, there is no (18) such things as money at all, because there is no need (19) for it. In parts of Africa and in (20) the native tribes of South America, and some of the more remote islands of the Pacific, selling is still mainly a matter of barter.

9. "While there (1) are men, science cannot protect itself. The desire for (2) power is too much (3) in the eyes (4) of all men. Even as I am talking (5) to you now, events are proving (6) you wrong. The first atomic bomb (7) has been made!" The Professor's first thought (8) was one (9) of frightened suspicion. Is (10) he talking to a madman? But, meeting that cold level gaze, he began to realize (11) that Groom could (12) be speaking the truth. (13). Finally, the Professor laughed and said:

"'You have a very (14) strange sense of humor (15), sir."

”I knew (16) you'd laugh," said Groom angrily (17); "but let (18) me put a question to you. In (19) your opinion, which laboratory in the world is most likely (20) to have achieved this development?"

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