Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndreeaGianina1695, 8 ani în urmă

 Complete and answer the questions

1._______ she sad yesterday? Yes, ____________.

2._______ they at home last Monday? No, _________.

3._______ you in 1st grade last year? No, _________.

4._______ your brother ill? Yes, _________.

5._______ Jack and Sam sleeping at midnight? Yes, ________.

6._______ the movie funny? No, ________.

7.______ they at school a week ago? Yes, _______.

 Put the words in the correct order to make questions

in / Was / class / she / yesterday / ?


they / at / last / the / Were / supermarket / week / ?

you / Where / a / week / were / ago / ?

was / your / When / birthday / ?

 Answer the questions

 What was the weather like yesterday?

 What was your favourite toy when you were a kid? _

 Who was your English teacher last year? _

 When were you born?

 Where were you last Sunday? _

 How was your mother feeling yesterday? ___​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de helpMe69420


1) Complete and answer the questions

1.Was she sad yesterday? Yes, she was.

2.Were they at home last Monday? No, they weren't.

3.Were you in 1st grade last year? No, i wasn't.

4.Was your brother ill? Yes, he was.

5.Were Jack and Sam sleeping at midnight? Yes, They were.

6.Was the movie funny? No, it .wasn't.

7.Were they at school a week ago? Yes, they were.

2) Put the words in the correct order to make questions

1.Was she in class yesterday?

2.Were they at supermarket last week?

3.Where were you a week ago?

4.When was your birthday?


3)Answer the questions

Pe acesta trebuie sa il scrii tu, pentru ca nu stiu cum a fost vremea ieri sau care e jucaria ta preferata. Pe langa asta nici nu pot sa-mi spun opinia mea pentru tine, deoarece ar putea fi gresit. Recomamd sa iti scrii propozitia in romana si sa o traduci in Google Translate. Sper ca te-am ajutat!

AndreeaGianina1695: Multumesc frumos!
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