Engleza, întrebare adresată de Anamaria17888, 8 ani în urmă

Complete each pair of sentences. Use the phrases in brackets.
1 (will be, will have been)
a I ....................in London next year, still doing the same job.
b I ....................in London for ten years by next June.

2 (will finish, was going to finish)
a I ....................my book, but I had to work late.
b If I don’t have too much work this year, I ....................all of Marquez’s books.

3 (will sunbathe, will be sunbathing)
a This time tomorrow, Maria....................on a beach in Majorca.
b I expect she....................until she gets badly burnt!

4 (will be sleeping, will have slept)
a At midnight, I ....................soundly - I hope!
b Wake me up at nine - I ....................long enough by then.

5 (will be flying, were flying)
a We went to bed early as w e....................to London the next day.
b W e ....................to Australia later this summer.

6 (will drive, will be driving)
a I’ll give you a lift to the station. I ....................that way anyway.
b You’ll be late - I ....................you to the station if you like.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de SteaFluture1615


1. a. I will be

b. I have been

2.a. I was going to finish

b. I will finish

3.a. will sunbathe

b. will be sunbathing

4.a. I will be sleeping

b. Will have sept

5.a. were flying

b. will be flying

6.a. will be driving

b. will drive

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