Engleza, întrebare adresată de roxy728, 9 ani în urmă

Complete each sentance with two to five words ,including the words in bold.
1.John started taking Frenc lessons five years ago. - been
John ...................... for five years.
2. How long ago did you live in Venezuela? -since
How long is it .................. in Venezuela?
3. Paula hasn't come home from the cinema yet. -still
Paula ............ from the cinema.
4. It was such a good film that i'm going to see it again tonight. -so
The film ...................... i'm going to see it again tonight.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Madalina0210
John has been taking French lessons for five years.
How long is it since you live in Venezuela?
Paula still hasn't come home from the cinema.
The film was so good that i'm going to see it again tonight.
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