Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the answers.
Example:Is this your ball?Yes,it's mine.
Are these his gloves?No,they aren't.They are hers.

1.Is this your computer?Yes,it's ____.
2.Is this your car?No,it isn't.It's ____.
3.Is that their cat.Yes,it's ____.
4.Are these her papers?Yes,they are ___.
5.Are these her flowers?No,they aren't.They are ____.
6.Are those his glasses?Yes,they are ___.
7.Are those his jeans?No,they aren't.They are ____.
8.Are those my apples?Yes,they are ____.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Theaa
1. mine
2. his
3. theirs
4. hers
5. mine
6. his
7. hers
8. yours
Alte întrebări interesante