Engleza, întrebare adresată de vampiradnevniki63, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the answers to the questions in the correct form.

1) Q: Do you cut your own hair?
A: No, I _______ at my local hairdressers. 

2) Q: Are you going to fix that computer?
A: No, I _______ at the computer repair shop. 

3) Q: Is she going to design her own website?
A: No, she _______ by a friend

4) Q: Did you do that tattoo yourself?
A: No, I _______ at a tattoo studio. 

5) Q: Does your mum make her own dresses?
A: No, she _______ by a dress maker. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bujorandrei

1) cut my own hair

2) am going to fix that computer

3) is going to design her website

4) did my tattoo

5) makes her own dresses

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