Engleza, întrebare adresată de PetreaTania73, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the conversation with the correct from of the verb and the time adverbial.
1.Morris: Yes,he/shop work/about an hour. (ago)
2. Louise: Oh! he/finish for the day? (already)
3. Morris: Yes, he/cycle into town. (just)
4. Louise: he/leave/ a message for me  before he/go?
5. Morris: I don't know.you/ask/at the reception desk?
6. Louise: No/I/not/be there.(yet) Thanks.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nuamnicioporecla
Yes he work about an hour ago
Oh she finished already the day?
Tes he just cycle into town
He leaved a message for me before he go
I dont know you you should ask at the reception desk
No im not there yes.Thanks cred ca tiam fost de ajutor daca am gresit scuzama

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