Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the dialogue with have to in the correct form.
Sandra:Tim, I've got some information about Jimmy's new school.
Tim:Great!1)Does he have to wear (he/wear) a uniform?
Sandra:Yes, he does.2)...... (we/buy) him a new one.
Tim:OK.3)...... (I/drive) him to school?
Sandra:No,4)...... (you/drive) him there.He can take the school bus.
Tim:Excellent.5)...... (he/be) at school early?
Sandra:Well,the school bus comes at 7:30 am.6)...... (we/be) ready by then.
Tim:That's not bad.Let's talk to Jimmy then.
(New Round-Up2-PAGINA 81 EXERCIȚIUL 4)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marcela16
we bought
you drived
i' m not driving
he must be
we will be

marcela16: propozițiile rămân la fel doar pui verbele pe care le -am scris
Răspuns de Geta1955
Tim:Great!1)Does he have to wear a uniform?
Sandra:Yes, he does.2) bought him a new one.
Tim:OK.3) Do I have to drive him to school?
Sandra:No,4) you mustn't drive him there.He can take the school bus.
Tim:Excellent.5) Will he be at school early?
Sandra:Well, the school bus comes at 7:30 am.6) and we will be ready by then.
Tim:That's not bad.Let's talk to Jimmy then

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