Engleza, întrebare adresată de SabinaCozmei, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the dialogue with the correct some,any or no compounds.
Amy: I'm going out tonight for my dad's birthday and I need to buy a new pair of shoes. Do you know ................. that sells cheap shoes?
Jo : Well, there's ................. in town. All the shoe shops are really expensive.
Amy: Oh no. I've got to get .............. . My old shoes are broken.
Jo: Well, perhaps I can lend you .............. . What do you need?
Amy: Some formal black shoes. ........................... very trendy or glamorous- I want a simple design.
Jo: I haven't got ........................... like that but I know .................... who does.
Amy: Who?
Jo: Kerry. She's got lots of shoes. She'll lend you ..................... .
Amy: Great idea. Let's phone her.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de teofanita
1. Anybody 2 . Nobody 3.Nothing 4. Something 5.Nothing 6. Something 7. Somebody 8 Something

maruumara: Nu e bine. Nu poti spune 'Do you know anybody that sells cheap shoes?" deoarece "that" de foloseste doar la lucruri.
teofanita: Este corect deoarece în acest context se traduce ,, Cunoști pe cineva care vinde pantofi ieftini " deci este vorba despre o persoană.
maruumara: Da, scuze, ai dreptate.
SabinaCozmei: Na, vezi, Mara, ti-am zis
Răspuns de irinateleoaca
1.somebody/anybody; 2. Nobody; 3. something ; 4.something ; 5. Nothing; 6.anything, someone; 7. something.
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