Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Complete the following sentences:
1)If only she could wait a minutes...
If he wated to know...
......if she thought more about it.
......if he could.
.......if he told her he missed her.
If he drank coffee....
IF you met him...
.....if you had more time?
.....if he were you?
If I were you....
Va roggg

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



1. If only she could wait a minute, I would explain everything to her.

2. If they wanted to know, they would ask us.

3. They would take a different decision if they thought more about it.

4. He would visit us if he could.

5. She would be surprised if he told her he missed her.

6. If he drank coffee, he would feel as new.

7. If you met him, he would tell you the whole story.

8. Would you come with me to Sinaia if you had more time?

9. Would he be calmer in this situation if he were you?

10. If I were you, I would not answer his rudeness.

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